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Attendance Policy - Every day counts!

The most important thing you can do to help your child be successful in school is to get them to school.

Doors Open/Breakfast To-Go

School Start Time

School End Time

9:15 a.m.

9:30 a.m.

4:00 p.m.


How Do I Contact the School Regarding My Student's Absence?​

Communicate EVERY DAY by 10am that your student is going to be absent from school. Inform the school about barriers to attendance and we will do our best to work with you and your student.​

Call the Attendance Line at 651-744-2713 OR Text the Attendance Line at 651-356-6278


When leaving a voice message or text, provide:​

  • Your name
  • Your Phone Number
  • Student's Name
  • Student's Teacher/Grade
  • Reason for Absence
  • Today's Date

What is considered an absence?

Anytime a student is not in class, it is considered an absence. 

Excused Absences:

√ Illness (school may ask for a medical note if there are 3 or more illness days in a row or excessive illnesses)

√ Religious Holidays

√ Family Emergencies

√ Medical/Mental Health/Dental Appointments (when possible, schedule outside of the school day and attend school before or after appointment)

Unexcused Absences:

⊗ Travel/Vacation

⊗ Tired from work/travel

⊗ Weater: Too Hot/Cold

⊗ Babysitting

⊗ Car Trouble

⊗ Missed Bus

⊗ Overslept

⊗ Not Immunized

⊗ Needed at Home

**If a student has 5 or more unexcused absences, we are required by law to contact the County that you live in. You may receive information from the school or County if unexcused absences continue.  

If you need help getting your child to school,  talk to your child’s teacher or call the school office.

We can help, and want to work with you!


Call 651-293-8930

Ask for: Jennifer Lee, Vanessa Amaya or Kristina Bonello

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