Attendance Policy
Once enrolled in a public school, a child 5 years old to 18 years old (unless already graduated from High School), must attend school every day, every class, on time, unless lawfully excused.
Lawfully Excused Absences:
- Sickness – too sick to be in school (3 consecutive absences require a doctor’s note)
- Medical Appointments – (excused half day only and clinic note required)
- Religious Holidays
- Extreme Family Emergencies – house fire, death, etc.
Examples of UNEXCUSED Absences
- Overslept
- Missed school bus
- Suspended from school bus
- Staying home to babysit
- Weather too hot/cold
- Family vacation
Parents/Guardians MUST communicate with the school office every time a child is absent. Please not that not all absences will be excused. Call in or send a note to the main office, state the reason for absence and be specific.
All unknown absences are automatically marked as UNEXCUSED.
Absence Concern Referral Process
- After 3 unexcused absences, an “Attendance Alert” letter will be sent to parent/guardian.
- After 5 unexcused absences, parent/guardian will be referred to the Assistant Ramsey County Attorney for a “Parent Meeting”.
- After 10 unexcused absences, parent/guardian will be referred for a SART hearing.
- After 15 unexcused absences, parent/guardian will be referred for a petition to court fo educational neglect.
An elementary school student who is not in his/her designated area at the designated time is TARDY. Students arriving after 9:30AM are considered tardy and will need to check into the office for a late pass to class.
Please note: 15 unexcused tardies equals one unexcused absence. If students come in 3 hours or later after the bell rings, then it is counted as a whole day unexcused absence.
Early Release
An EARLY RELEASE is when an elementary student leaves the school building before the school day has ended. Parent/Guardians must come inside to sign the student out to be released early. Please note that students will not be called to come down to the office until the parent/guardian arrives to sign the student out. Please plan accordingly for time.
For more information, please see Ramsey County School Attendance Matters (SAM) website
Contact us when...
It's important to contact the office if your child will not be in school.
Call: (651) 744-2713
Email the office:
Make sure to include your child's name, grade, reason for the absence and your name.