Behavior Expectations
Positive Behavior Interventions and Support (PBIS)
Frost Lake is strengthening the social behavior climate and supporting our academic instruction with PBIS in order to increase achievement for all students.
Frost Lake 4 Be’s
Frost Lake has adopted 4 key expectations to help our students find success throughout their day.
- Be Respectful
- Be Responsible
- Be Safe
- Be a Learner
Student Conduct
Frost Lake is first and foremost a community. Success in our technology centered, inclusive, challenging academic program depends on all of us fulfilling out responsibilities, both to ourselves and to our community.
Students will be recognized as meeting behavior expectations through positive communication, classroom privileges and other means. When students struggle to meet behavior expectations, interventions may include:
- Staff redirecting student toward expected behavior
- Student choosing to “take a break” in class
- Staff directing student to “take a break” in class
- Staff directing student to “take a break” in a buddy classroom
- Staff conferring with student about expected behavior
- Staff contacting student’s parent/guardian
- Staff requesting support from building Green Team to assist in problem-solving with the student in order to reset and get back to being a learner
Students who don’t respond positively to the behavior interventions listed above will receive a discipline referral to the office. They will meet with the administrator to determine appropriate consequences for the behavior. The focus in these meetings is on honesty and taking responsibilities for one’s own actions. The student must complete any schoolwork they miss while they are in the office. Depending upon the behavior, consequences may include:
- Phone calls to parent/guardian
- Remediation to fix the problem
- Time out of the classroom
- In School Suspension (ISS)
- Dismissal or suspension from school
All school district policies and procedures apply to Frost Lake Elementary School, student and families. Severe disruption and behavior that endangers anyone will result in immediate referral to the principal and may result in dismissal, suspension, notification of police and/or expulsion from school. Please refer to the Student Behavior Handbook: Rights and Responsibilities for students and Staff for additional information.
Outdoor Recess
Students must wear clothing appropriate for the weather daily, as they will be expected to go outside in all types of weather. Outdoor recess will be canceled if the temperature/windchill is below -10 degrees. Only those students with a valid, written doctor’s order to remain inside due a health issue will be accommodated.
Possession of any weapon or look alike weapon (including toys) in school is an offense that can result in immediate suspension and/or recommendation for expulsion.
Electronics such as cell phones, hand-held video games, iPods, personal iPads, etc. should not be brought to school. Frost Lake will not be responsible for replacement of these items in the event they become lost, stolen or damaged. Investigations into the loss of these items will not occur.
If a student must have a cell phone at school for safety concerns on the way to or from school, students will be expected to turn in their cell phones to their teacher at the beginning of the day and teacher will secure the phones in a locked space until dismissal. Students who do not follow this expectation will be required to turn their phone into an administrator, who will contact the parent to pick up the phone.
Toys, trading cards and games should not be brought to school. Investigations into the loss of these items will not occur. Confiscated items will be given to the principal, who will return them to parents/guardians.
Other Prohibited Items
Students should not bring prohibited items such lighters, tobacco products (cigarettes, nicotine gum), etc. to school. Additionally, students should not bring or self-carry any type of medication, over the counter or prescription. All medication must be stored and disturbed through the school nurse.
Students who bring prohibited items will be referred to the office and consequences per the Rights and Responsibility Handbook will be applied.