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St. Paul


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General Information


Visitors are welcome at Frost Lake Elementary School. For the safety of our students, all visitors – including parents, guardians, and volunteers – must sign in at the office and pick up a visitor’s badge and visibly wear it throughout your visit.

Emergency Forms

It is important to fill out the emergency forms each year. It is your responsibility to call or send a note to school immediately if your phone numbers or address changes. In case of emergencies, the school uses the Emergency Form to contact families. If we are not able to reach an emergency contact, we are required to call the police for assistance.

School Closing

Saint Paul Public School District will announce school closings due to severe weather on WCCO Radio (830 AM) and other Twin cities major television and radio stations. School closing information can also be found on the Saint Paul Public School District’s website.

School Photographs

Students have individual and class photos taken in the fall and in the spring. These photos are available for purchase. Information regarding photos will be sent home during fall and spring.


Please check your student’s backpack and homework folder or planner daily for homework, announcements of upcoming events and important papers.

  • Look for our yellow Home - School Communication folder.
  • The Frost Lake website, spps.org/frostlake gives important information about the school.
  • The Saint Paul Public School District website, www.spps.org is another great source of information.
  • Students are permitted to use the telephone during school hours for emergencies only.

Clothing Policy

Students are expected to dress appropriately for school. A student may be required to change any item of clothing that interrupts the learning environment as determined by school staff.

Special Occasions 

  • Birthday Treats - All student birthdays are acknowledged and celebrated in the  classroom. It is not necessary to bring or send birthday treats with your student.  However, if you wish to, please work closely with the classroom teacher to determine  what would be appropriate for a treat. We have increasing numbers of students with  food allergies and if a treat is sent that includes an ingredient a student is allergic to, the  treats will not be distributed. 
  • Halloween - We do not celebrate Halloween at Frost Lake. Please do not send your  student in a costume or with candy on the date of Halloween or the days following  Halloween. Any candy students bring will be confiscated. 
  • Valentines Day - Classrooms will celebrate Valentine’s Day in a way specific to that  classroom. Treats/candy will not be exchanged. 

Changes in Dismissal Routines 

It is important for students to have a consistent dismissal routine each day. Parents must  designate their student as a walker, parent pickup or a bus rider. Any changes to a students’  dismissal routine for the day must be requested by sending a note with a student or calling the office by 3 p.m. to ensure that  the information reaches the staff and student in a timely manner. An adult must communicate this change, we will not go by what a student reports.  If a change has not been received, students will dismiss in their designated routine.  Students will not be removed from the bus once bus dismissal has begun if someone shows up in parent pick-up without calling first.

Outdoor Recess 

Students must wear clothing appropriate for the weather daily, as they will be expected to go  outside in all types of weather. Outdoor recess will be canceled if the temperature/windchill is  below -10 degrees.  Only those students with a valid, written doctor’s order to remain inside due a health issue will be accommodated.


Electronics such as cell phones, hand-held video games, iPods, personal iPads, etc. should not  be brought to school. Frost Lake will not be responsible for replacement of these items in the  event they become lost, stolen or damaged. Investigations into the loss of these items will not  occur. 

If a student must have a cell phone at school for safety concerns on the way to or from school,  students will be expected to turn in their cell phones to their teacher at the beginning of the  day and the teacher will secure the phones in a locked space until dismissal. Students who do not follow this expectation will be required to turn their phone into an administrator, who will  contact the parent to pick up the phone.