Nutrition Services
Breakfast and lunch is prepared by the district’s Nutrition Services.
Breakfast to Go offers free breakfast to all students everyday. Students go through the breakfast line to fill a bag with nutritious breakfast items and then take it to eat in their classroom with their classmates.
Frost Lake also offers free lunch to all students. A monthly menu is provided to families at
Students choosing to bring their own lunch must bring healthy choices in their lunches. Soda, big bags of chips and candy will not be allowed and will be confiscated by staff. Students bringing a lunch from home are not allowed to share food with other students.
If you choose to order lunch for your student from an outside vendor to be delivered, the delivery must arrive prior to your student’s designated lunch time and follow nutritional guidelines set forth the SPPS School Board Policy 533. Students will not miss instructional time to eat food arriving outside of their designated lunchtime. The person ordering delivery assumes the risk for loss of money due to late delivery after student’s designated lunch period.
All families, regardless of income, are asked to fill out a Free & Reduced Lunch Form each year regardless of income. This information is used in part to determine school funding, not just free lunches, so it is essential that each family turn one in or complete it online.