Frost Lake offers our students and families a variety of services and programs to ensure that our students are successful while in our care. One of our goals is also to connect our families to the resources available to them from Saint Paul Public Schools and the community.
School Resources
- Bilingual Paraprofessionals
- English Language Learner Teachers
- Special Education Teachers
- Special Education Paraprofessionals
- Media Center
- Specialist Teachers in Phy Ed, Music, Science and Computers
- Social Workers
- Counselor
- Cultural Specialist
- Intervention Specialist
- Extended Day Learning (EDL)
- iPads for all students
- Racial and Cultural Affinity Groups for Students
- Literacy Coach
- Math Coach
- Learning Lead focused on Culture and Climate
- Family Innovations In School Therapy
District Resources
Office of Family Engagement and Community Partnerships
Student Placement Center (651) 632-3760
One-Stop (set up multiple accounts at the start of each year)
Discovery Club Before and After Childcare
Community Resources
- African American Family Services (612) 871-7878
- American Indian Family Services (651) 223-8526
- Child Care Assistance Program (Ramsey County Human Services) (651) 266-4019
- Children’s Dental Services (612) 746-1530
- CLUES (Chicano Latinos Unidos en Servicio) (651) 379-4200
- Discovery Club (SPPS School Age Child Care) (651)632-3793
- Duluth and Case Recreation Center (651) 298-5709
- Eastside Boys and Girls Club (651) 774-5654
- Hayden Heights Recreation Center (651) 298-5716
- Hazel Park Recreation Center (651) 501-6350
- Hmong American Partnership (651) 495-9160
- Joseph’s Coat (651) 291-2472
- Karen Organization of MN (651) 788-7593 ext 301
- Medical Assistance (651) 266-4444
- Metro Transit (612) 373-3333
- Minnesota Care (651) 297-3862
- Oromo Community of MN (651) 757-3040
- Phalen Recreation Center (651) 793-6600
- Saint Paul Public Housing Rental Assistance (651) 298-5158
- Saint Paul Public Libraries (651) 266-7000
- Salvation Army Social Services (651) 746-3400
- Somali Community of MN (612) 871-4268
- United Way 2-1-1 (651) 291-0211
- Vietnamese Social Services of MN (651) 641-2310
- Wilder Foundation Family Services (651) 280-2310