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1505 Hoyt Avenue East
St. Paul


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Students who live within ½ mile of the school are considered walkers.  The school coordinates student school patrols who will assist students in crossing streets.


Busing is provided for students whose addresses are within the school’s transportation area and more than ½ mile from the school.

Bus riding is a privilege that can be suspended for inappropriate behavior as determined by the St. Paul Transportation Guidelines, which include:

  • Students may only ride their assigned bus and get on and off at their assigned stop.
  • Students may not ride another bus, under any circumstances.
  • Parents/Guardians may not board the school bus for any reason.
  • If your family moves during the course of the school year, call the school office to arrange a new bus stop.

Questions and problems should be addressed to the school office and will be referred to the St. Paul Transportation Department as necessary.  A notice of 3-4 days is required for a transportation change to be made.

If an issue arises after the school office is closed for the day that needs immediate attention (i.e. student has not arrived home yet), please call transportation directly at 651-696-9600.  Be prepared to tell them your student’s name, school and route number.


Car Drop Off & Pick Up 

  • Starting in August 2021, this will occur in the horseshoe off of Hoyt Avenue.
  • Do not drop off students before 9:15 am. There is no adult supervision until 9:15 and  students will not be allowed into the building until 9:15 am. 
  • Please observe the NO PARKING signs. Vehicles parked in NO PARKING zones will be fined and towed by St. Paul Police  Department. 
  • For your safety and the safety of our students, cross the street at the crosswalk and do  not walk between parked cars or through the parking lot if dropping students off.  Please use the designated sidewalks.
  • During parent pick-up, please stay in your vehicle and have your family number visible for the most efficient process.

Safety Patrol

The Frost Lake Safety Patrol Program is under the supervision of the St. Paul Police Department and is assisted by Frost Lake Staff.  Safety Patrol enlists students to ensure a safe and pleasant walk to and from school.

School Patrols will:

  1. Follow all school rules
  2. Set a good example for other students
  3. Emphasize walking
  4. Assist students a designated crosswalks
  5. Report unusual incidents to the supervisor
  6. Report student behavior infractions to the supervisor

NOTE: Student patrols are the only students allowed to go on the streets to check the roadway and stop traffic with flags.

Good conduct is the first rule of safety.

In patrol lines, students will:

  1. Follow all directions from the Safety Patrol
  2. Walk
  3. Stay on sidewalks and off of private property
  4. Treat others with respect and kindness
  5. Speak in a respectful manner